An octopus circuit can be used to demonstrate the waveform images on an oscilloscope. Lissajous curves can also be generated using an oscilloscope as illustrated. Prior to modern electronic equipment, lissajous curves could be generated mechanically by means of a harmonograph. Descargue como docx, pdf, txt o lea en linea desde scribd. Lissajous a simple example of 2d line plot in matlab, and creating a gui without guide. Lissajous is a complex audiovideo signal generator built in maxmsp and inspired by the work of jules antoine lissajous. Phy2028 practical electronics ii information lissajous figures 1 lissajous figures introduction lissajous figures displayed on an oscilloscope can be used to give a quick estimate of the relative phase of two signals at the same frequency. In mathematics, a lissajous curve lissajous figure or bowditch curve is the graph of a system of parametric equations.
The relation of some lissajous curves to chebyshev polynomials is clearer to understand if the lissajous curve. A simple lissajous curves experimental setup request pdf. Permission is granted to copy, distribute andor modify this document under the terms of the gnu free documentation license, version 1. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled gnu free documentation license. Lissajous figures where a 1, b n n is a natural number and. Como convertir fuentes a curvas en acrobat techlandia.
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